Read more about the article The nth derivative of a k by k determinant

The nth derivative of a k by k determinant

In di§erential equations, it is useful to be able to Önd the derivative of a determinant of functions; an interesting exercise is to "Önd an aestetically pleasing representation of the second derivative of a two by two determinant."

Read more about the article CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS (1777-1855)
Carl Friedrich Gauss


Perhaps one of the reasons that Carl Friedrich Gauss was able to create so much mathematics in his lifetime was that he got a very early start. Just consider the following two events: when he was 3 years old he corrected his father's arithmetic, and in school, when he was in the third grade, he developed a formula for finding the sum of any arithmetic progression.

Read more about the article Emmy Noether (1882-1935)
Emmy Noether

Emmy Noether (1882-1935)

The story of Emmy Noether raises questions of "nature or nurture?" Did she become one of the worldís greatest mathematicians by heredity? (after all her father, Max, was a very high ranking mathematican) or by environ- ment? (he exerted a very strong ináuence over his children and created a "mathematical atmosphere" in his household.) She certainly had the right genes, and she later proved to be a true mathematical genius; but, as a very young child, Emily had exhibited absolutely no interest in the subject. When her younger brother Fritz, began to fall under the ináuence of their father, she eventually had to take up the subject, correcting or contributing to their ideas, and defending her own.

Read more about the article HOW MANY INFINITIES ARE THERE?
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There is an old joke about two Russian generals sitting around thinking about big numbers. They decided to have a contest about who could think of the largest number; the first one says, “Tell me, Comrade, what is the largest number you can think of?” His companion sat for a long while and eventually said, “One.” After hearing that, the first general thought and thought, he wrinkled his brow, made faces and after a pretty long while he gave up, smiled, and said, “You win.”

Read more about the article Almost Goldbach Theorems
Almost Goldbach Theorems

Almost Goldbach Theorems

Although it is not included in the list of "million-dollar millennium problems," there can be no doubt that one of the most di¢ cult unsolved problems in number theory today is the following statement, known as the strong Goldbach conjecture.

Read more about the article Who can learn mathematics?
Who can learn mathematics

Who can learn mathematics?

It is surprising that mathematics is such an emotional subject. In school, one student may feel the joy of success and another may feel the pain of failure in their encounters with the subject, and this happens from K to 12. It is not easy to understand why this is so, but we can see how it affects a person’s attitude about their own ability to do mathematics

Read more about the article The Golden Ratio – A Contrary Viewpoint
the golden ratio

The Golden Ratio – A Contrary Viewpoint

Over the past five centuries, a great deal of nonsense has been written about the golden ratio, 2l+1 its geometry, and the Fibonacci sequence. Many authors make claims that these mathematical entities are ubiquitous in nature, art, architecture, and anatomy. Gardner [4] has shown that the admiration for this number seems to have been raised to cult status. Fortunately, however, there have been some recent papers, including Fischler [2] in 1981, Markowsky [7] in 1992, Steinbach [9] in 1997, and Fowler [3] in 1982, that are beginning to set the record straight.


The Language of the Universe

A guide to seeing past the math in classrooms we are familiar with An in-depth look at mathematics and how it runs the world we live inCOOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, USA, January 26, 2021 / — Mathematics is arguably one of the toughest subjects in school. From elementary to college and beyond, math offers challenges that only it can provide.

Read more about the article A Mathematical Story From Dr. Falbo
Book Mockup4 scaled

A Mathematical Story From Dr. Falbo

A guide to seeing past the math in classrooms we are familiar with COOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, December 6, 2022 / — At its core, Mathematical Milestones: Nature, Science, Business, Computers and Artificial Intelligence by Dr. Clement E. Falbo is about the story of the field of Mathematics.